Have you ever noticed how every time you have an appointment with your dentist you spend extra time on your teeth? I am sure you brush your teeth daily, but right before your dental visit you may find you even brush more than once before your appointment to conceal any evidence of the candy you devoured the night before, or since the last visit some years ago. You figure if you brush and floss a few times, the dentist will not even notice, right?
What you do not realize, however, is that no matter how many times you brush and floss before you make it to that dental chair; it wouldn't make a difference. They are dentists. They are experts in this field. As soon as the dentist takes X-rays of your teeth you soon are found out. He can see what is truly going on inside. Tooth decay, stains, gum disease, and more.
It is the same with God. Sometimes we try to hide the decay in our hearts with good works. We may be harboring unforgiveness, anger, or bitterness towards someone, but we feed and love on the homeless all week long. Maybe, you are a husband who attends church twice a week, serves in ministry, and works hard to provide for your family, however, what no one knows is that you struggle with pornography. But, you hide it well, right? Wrong!
{Read the rest of this article at Whole Magazine.]