You Can't Hide From God

Have you ever noticed how every time you have an appointment with your dentist you spend extra time on your teeth? I am sure you brush your teeth daily, but right before your dental visit you may find you even brush more than once before your appointment to conceal any evidence of the candy you devoured the night before, or since the last visit some years ago. You figure if you brush and floss a few times, the dentist will not even notice, right?

What you do not realize, however, is that no matter how many times you brush and floss before you make it to that dental chair; it wouldn't make a difference. They are dentists. They are experts in this field. As soon as the dentist takes X-rays of your teeth you soon are found out. He can see what is truly going on inside. Tooth decay, stains, gum disease, and more. 

It is the same with God. Sometimes we try to hide the decay in our hearts with good works. We may be harboring unforgiveness, anger, or bitterness towards someone, but we feed and love on the homeless all week long. Maybe, you are a husband who attends church twice a week, serves in ministry, and works hard to provide for your family, however, what no one knows is that you struggle with pornography. But, you hide it well, right? Wrong!

{Read the rest of this article at Whole Magazine.]


5 Steps to Surviving "Cuffing Season"

Cuffing Season is officially in full effect. This is the time of year when women and men everywhere give up their single status for cuffed up winter nights with a "cuddle buddy."

For the single Christian woman you know better than to take part in such worldly things . You are a woman of God. You are daughter of The Most High. You do not settle for random season flings. You only settle for God's best.

Urban dictionary defines cuffing season as: during the Fall and Winter months people who would normally rather be single or promiscuous find themselves along with the rest of the world desiring to be "Cuffed" or tied down by a serious relationship. The cold weather and prolonged indoor activity causes singles to become lonely and desperate to be cuffed.

So, how do you survive this cuffing season?

[Read the rest of this article at Whole Magazine.]


5 Steps to Getting Over Your Ex

Surviving A Breakup With God's Help

Breaking up is never easy, whether you are the one doing the breaking up or the one being broken up with. Let's face it. Even for us Christians breaking up is never fun. But when it all settles, and we take a moment to reflect on the relationship it won't be long until we see where it all went wrong. More importantly, when we truly begin to seek God and His will for our lives—including love lives—then we can start desiring what He desires for our hearts. So, fear not, the Lord is with you during these difficult times.

  1. Big girls do cry. It's ok to cry. There's no reason denying that it hurts. Sometimes getting a good cry in can be a catalyst to moving on and moving forward. Keep in mind not to spend too much time in this season though. Remind yourself of why you aren't together in the first place.

Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning. - (Psalm 30:5)

[Read the rest of this article at Whole Magazine.]


Is Your Faith Getting Too Comfortable?

For the past three years my family and I were living in North Carolina. It was a beautiful place. It was where we got married, gave our lives to Christ—together, and where God began to truly work in and through us. It wasn't always easy there, but for the most part it was peaceful. It was comfortable.

Two months ago, God spoke to my husband and told him it was time to move back to Illinois. I can't begin to tell you the sadness that overcame me. The thought of leaving everything and just picking up and going back to a place completely the opposite of where I was. Back to a place where there would be no peace. No comfort. My heart was broken. I questioned God many times, "Why God, would you want this for me and my family?"

Why would God want that for us? Why does He remove us from where we are most comfortable and place us in the most uncomfortable circumstances? Because God did not create us to be comfortable. He didn't call us to a life of complacency. He created us to be used for His purpose. This is a world filled with so many that are lost. Many of whom are people that we love, our very own family and friends.

[Read the rest of this article at Whole Magazine.]


From Porn to the Cross: My Interview with Brittni Ruiz

I first heard of Brittni Ruiz by watching her testimony on It had been flooding my newsfeed that day, and at that point I knew it was God.

All the years my husband had struggled with pornograpy had pretty much left a sour taste in my mouth when it came to porn stars. I had seen them as the enemy. I was convinced they were in cahoots with Satan himself.

I remember as I listened to Brittni's moving story, I felt an odd feeling in the pit of my stomach as I thought to myself, "Was this one of the many women my husband use to watch as I slept in the other room?" At that point I wasn't sure to continue watching the video, however out of obedience I continued.

As I got comfortable on the couch, I had no clue I was going to react how I did. Where was the Kleenex when you needed it? I wasn't even three minutes into her testimony — when I began to sob.

[Read the rest of this article at Whole Magazine.]